Material from "Institute of Innovative Biomedical Technologies".
Physiological rationale for the use of molecular weight fractionated beetroot juice
As you know, beetroot is popular not only as a culinary ingredient, but also as a folk remedy. At the same time, emphasis is placed on the ability of beets to stimulate hematopoiesis and improve bowel function. Beets are considered to be the most important source of dietary iron, but this opinion is wrong, which is confirmed by our research on the iron content of various vegetables. Beetroot contains several volatile compounds, which often cause unwanted side effects (nausea, vomiting, dizziness) when drinking freshly squeezed juice. Excessive regular consumption of beetroot juice can cause liver damage.
Scientific methods have confirmed the pronounced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of beets, the ability to reduce the risk of colon cancer. A few years ago, British doctors described the ability of high doses of beet juice (up to 500 ml per day) to lower blood pressure, and this effect remained 24 hours after drinking the juice. This was followed by a British report that beet juice in a dose of 250-300 ml stimulated a 16% increase in endurance in professional cyclists.
The described effect of beetroot juice is related to its vasodilating effect, which is based on the phenomenon described by Nobel laureates. It is nitric oxide that is formed from nitrates and causes rapid capillary dilation (NO is not the only factor responsible for the vasodilatory effect of beets). Beetroot is one of the vegetables especially rich in nitrates. It should be noted that after the appearance of the mentioned publications on beets in the scientific literature, the degree of negativity regarding food nitrates has significantly decreased.
We performed both in vitro (using an in vitro small intestinal preparation) and in vivo (live poultry) studies in chickens to evaluate the ability of vegetable juices to stimulate iron absorption. 14 beet varieties were studied, and one beet variety was identified as particularly promising for the project.
It has been established that the ability of beetroot juice to improve iron absorption is significantly higher than that of other vegetables. However, this effect was not due to the high content of iron in the juice, but to the presence of some medium molecular compounds that accelerate the transfer of iron ions from the intestinal cavity to the blood. The high-molecular components of the juice slowed down this process. This gave rise to the idea of fractionating beetroot juice based on the molecular weight of its components to separate the required medium and low molecular weight fractions.
Ultrafiltration technology through semipermeable membranes was used for these purposes. Fractionation of plant juice by molecular weight to improve the functional properties of a food product was the first time in the world.
We have developed a healthy food product from fractionated beetroot juice:
- BEET-TOX (a common food product), which reduces the content of triglycerides in the blood, optimizes the fractional composition of cholesterol, has a hepatoprotective effect and promotes the liberation of the liver from excess fat obesity (steatosis).
In vitro, BEET TOX inhibits the differentiation of rat bone marrow stromal multipotent mesenchymal cells (ie, stem cells) into adipocytes, but native beetroot juice cannot induce this effect. B EET TOX the lipotropic effect in vivo was tested in rats with an experimental model of hemorrhagic shock, as well as with experimental obesity. As is known, acute bleeding causes dysregulation of fat metabolism.
It was found that 1 ml B EET TOX administration for 1 month in obese rats resulted in a 38% (female) and 25% (male) decrease in body weight. Animals had free access to food. The concentration of triglycerides decreased by 60% (women), the ratio of cholesterol fractions (LDC/HDC) changed from 1.20 to 2.12.
The most interesting results were obtained in the histomorphological study of rat liver. B EET TOX does not affect liver morphology in intact rats, but significantly affects fatty rats. Within 1 month, livers of female rats were cleared of excess fat in hepatocytes, hemosiderin levels decreased in both hepatocytes and Kupffer cells.
Sources of information about B EET TOX effectiveness for people include family doctors, as well as gastroenterologists, hepatologists. We have established close cooperation with the Latvian Center for Infectious Diseases, the Center for Maritime Medicine, the Center for Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Diet Therapy of the Clinical University Hospital. P. Stradina.
Permanent information about B EET TOX effectiveness is also regularly received in free consultations, which take place every month in the Institute's store "Veselīgā partika" in Riga. The recommended dose of the product is 50ml/day for clients weighing 70kg or less and 50ml x 2/day for clients >70kg. Course duration 45 days; 3 courses per year.
What are B EET TOX indications for use? First of all, it is fatty degeneration of the liver, then hepatitis (viral or toxic, including alcoholic), diabetes, obesity. According to Latvian regulations, the patient receives a copy of the results of his personal examinations from family doctors. Therefore, most users of the product have the opportunity to independently monitor the dynamics of liver blood markers before and after B EET TOX course.
In one of the studies, participants were recruited from the outpatients of the Gastroenterology Department of the Maritime Medical Center (2013-2014) and the Pļavnieki Health Center (2015) in Riga. To participate in the study, patients had to meet the following criteria: age 25-70 years, permission to participate in the study, diagnosis of hepatic steatosis confirmed by ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, elevated ALT, ACAT serum levels, negative tests. For the presence of hepatitis B antigen and antibodies against hepatitis C virus, patients with diabetes mellitus, clinically significant chronic or any acute infectious disease, pregnant women were excluded.
Before the start of the test, all participants completed a questionnaire. Participants were divided into two groups:
1. Patients with hepatic steatosis drinking no more than 14 drinks per week for men and 7 drinks per week (n=91); alcohol consumption 122-123 g per week;
2. Patients with hepatic steatosis who consume alcohol >14 drinks per week for men and >7 drinks per week for women (n=92), alcohol consumption 199-212 g/week.
The patient groups were randomized into two subgroups depending on whether they used B EET TOX . Product doses were as follows: 50 ml (for body weight <70 kg) or 100 ml (>70 kg) per day for 45 days.
Before the start of the study and after 3 months, the following studies were performed:
- Abdominal ultrasound according to standardized criteria
- biochemical blood analysis (ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin, total cholesterol, cholesterol fractions, triglycerides, glucose, hemoglobin).
B EET TOX use in group 1 patients statistically significantly reduced ALT activity, triglyceride concentration, as well as total cholesterol and optimized the ratio of cholesterol fractions in the blood. in the 2nd group B EET TOX caused a decrease in both transaminase activity and ALP and triglyceride levels.
Research shows that B EET TOX (50-100 ml / day) use for 45 days has a positive effect on the lipid profile and the severity of alcoholic liver damage in patients with chronic alcoholism in women and men. Regular B EET TOX use improves liver function in non-alcoholic steatosis and at least slows the progression of organ damage. Women are more sensitive B EET TOX hepatoprotective effect. The optimal scheme B EET TOX there is a 45-day course for use; the course is repeated 3 times a year for 2-4 years. In 24% of women with increased body weight, its decrease was observed.