Realize your potential!

Beet-Tox fractionated beet juice shots improve oxygen supply to the body, so you can achieve your sports goals naturally!

Discover a new power in yourself!

According to the research of the Latvian Sports Education Academy and Riga Stradins University even a single dose of juice resulted in a 9% increase in maximal oxygen uptake , with further increases observed after seven days of supplementation.

  • Improved oxygen supply

    Nitric oxide acts as a vasodilator, relaxing and dilating blood vessels. This vasodilation increases blood flow to muscles and other tissues. In the context of sports, improved blood flow means better oxygenation to the working muscles, improving their aerobic capacity. It increases endurance and reduces fatigue during prolonged work.

  • Fights against "fatty liver"

    The BEET-TOX course helps fight against "fatty liver" disease, which improves fat metabolism in the body. The course (depending on weight and need) can be completed within 2-4 weeks.

    Learn more! 
  • Reduces "bad" cholesterol

    As a result of research, it was found that the use of BEET-TOX has a positive effect on the lipid profile, improves liver function and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.

  • A special preparation method - fractionated juice

    Beetroot contains several volatile compounds, which often cause unwanted side effects (nausea, vomiting, dizziness) when drinking freshly squeezed juice. Excessive regular consumption of beetroot juice can cause liver damage. Therefore molecular weight fractionation of beetroot juice was used to improve its potency and reduce the risk of side effects!

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How to use?

If you bought it as a "booster" before sports, drink a shot 1-2 hours before sports or physical exercise!

As a precaution, I decided to try and support this product. My main intention was strengthening immunity and body well-being. Don't wait at all, I also improved my eating habits (metabolism), I no longer needed to eat extra snacks between meals, and physical exertion became easier to bear when doing sports. Besides, I think the beetroot shot is indescribably delicious! - Kate Druvaskalnas

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